we've had a lazy, happy saturday .
i keep meaning to be folding the 2 loads of clean laundry sitting here,
but get distracted by breaks to watch Stout Scout build the same block tower over and over or
clean up everysinglething this has dragged out from the numerous toy boxes.
then, i download photos and briefly chat with my online friends about how we never got up this early in our former
lives. of course, i need another coffee by now.
i go back to fold laundry, but now SS is ready for a nap.
fresh diaper, lotion, a little rock and off to bed.
that means Kombucha and quiet time for me
i finally get to clean up the smashed blueberries from this morning
and pick up the random wonder pet, microphone & baseball bat laying around.
i feel the need to sit now & go back to photos as a break, but
i haven't done what i set out to do at all.
i'm okay with that. that is totally my life & that's what we do as moms, isn't it?
take it as it comes and deal with it.
it's not always as planned, but it's happy.
[i am considering taking that word 'lazy' out of the first sentence though.]