I don't understand where Americans have gone. I guess when people are scared, many put themselves ahead of others. Thank God we have some heroes out there and that some of us give a damn about others. I wrote a paper about property theory and even I thought I was in for a boring few weeks. Come to find out not too long ago we had a balance between three interest groups — businesses, unions and government. And our political decisions were generally worked out between the first two with government serving as referee. Welcome Reagan and things began to change. He cut back on regulation. Bush cut taxes mostly for the rich. I think it was David Hume who noted that humans fall along a spectrum ranging from those who really care about others to those who are happy to kill — directly or indirectly — to make greedy pay offs to themselves.Most of us know both types and those ranging between them who can turn mean when scared, Sarah Palins hunting buddies, ugh!!! I feel terrible at what is going on with US today . Even racism is returning. Our treatment of teachers and nurses is a disgrace ! Especially when we waste money on pointless war!