Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Be Kind

I do not have the energy to wish you would die or hurt.

I will not use my time or breath to insult you. I am too busy teaching her to trust again and love.  We are ALL not terrible or mean. 

I do not want you to experience what you did to an animal. I am too busy trying to heal the emotional wounds of an abused or neglected animal.... Showing me those awful experiences won't happen ever again...

I will not give my energy to contribute to conversations that only speak of unethical ways of punishing you. My energy goes to solving the problem of abuse through education, awareness, kindness.

I will not keep you from being a good parent or seeing our child.  I WILL use my voice instead for the children in humane education courses and helping teachers learn how to help kids speak in safe environments about the animal abuse in their homes before the animal abuse turns to child abuse.

What I do want for you is for you to experience the process of acceptance, to acknowledge your actions, be accountable for your choices, and seek whatever help you need to deal anger.

I want for you to serve your time willingly, not make excuses, and recognize the redemption found in helping others in need.

I want you to heal whatever it is inside you that let you think it was acceptable to do what you did.

I want you to heal enough that you are able to give back the love she has given to Us and appreciate and accept that animals are far more amazing than we are.  Forgiveness is underrated and KINDNESS is everything.

Basically I want you to LOVE without conditions,
